Mikvah and Baptism Lesson Plan

Mikvah and Baptism Lesson Plan


Looking for a way to get your children to wash their hands? This lesson provides instructions for a thorough washing of the hands in what is known as a mikvah. But what about a clean heart? Only God can clean the "sin sickness" that ravages in more bodies than the 2020 coronavirus! This is very "hands on" :) lesson for homeschooling families, Sunday School classes and Bible teachers.

Included in this lesson are the following:

  • Pre-class preparation page (copies to make, supplies to gather etc.)

  • 4 page lesson written in conversational style that can be read or adapted by the teacher with clear instructions on what to SAY and DO.

  • M-I-K-V-A-H letters for class activity

  • Large color picture of a tabernacle laver

  • US/GOD chasm

  • Cross to bridge the separation between us and God

  • Memory verse page (Hebrews 10:22) to color

  • Head (what I think), Heart (what I desire), Hands (what I do) discussion page

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