Props are better than paper.


Props and Instructional Videos

At Experience the Bible Creatively, we are passionate about providing Sunday School teachers, Christian school educators and home school parents with ideas on how to create high quality, reusable props that allow children to utilize all of their senses as they experience God's Word. We provide accompanying videos on how to make these props which eventually will span all of the major stories in the Bible, Genesis to Revelation.


Vacation Bible School (VBS)

As of January 2019, our tabernacle VBS is very close to publication (as downloads) for churches to consider as they choose a summer curriculum. A series of videos are currently in development to assist churches in creating life sized tabernacle furniture and other decor, how to prepare crafts, develop games and make snacks These videos can be found on our YouTube channel “Experience the Bible Creatively”.

Sunday School

Also in pre-production is a chronological, two year, through the Bible curriculum for older students (grades 4-8). This reusable curriculum is a hands-on, paperless, prop-driven curricula, because we believe that props are always better than paper. Children learn the Bible best when it is taught in chronological order, allowing teachers to make clear connections between the Old Testament and New Testament, provide evidence of God keeping His covenantal promises, and how God dealt with His people through the centuries.

Speaking Services and Prop Rentals

Vacation Bible School (VBS)

In addition to the tabernacle curriculum available for purchase (see above), churches in the southern NH area have the option of renting the tabernacle! We will work with you to choose the décor and furniture to fit your budget and space. Becky Domeny, founder of Experience the Bible Creatively, is also available to provide the large group teaching experience for your VBS. This polished, high energy presentation is a great hit with children of all ages, preschool to older elementary.

SEW (Spiritual Emphasis Week) and Chapels

Becky Domeny from Experience the Bible Creatively is an experienced speaker who has taught large audiences of elementary aged students for well over a decade. With dozens of themes and topics to choose from, she brings along multiple props and other activities to engage your students in lively, fun-filled chapels or spiritual emphasis weeks.